Tibor Honty

Tibor Honty (1907-1968) was born in Slovakia. In his late twenties, following art school where he pursued ceramics, he was employed at a gravure printing company in Prague. Around this time an exhibition of French sculpture captured his imagination, establishing what would become a major theme in his photography. Photographing sculpture became a passion. His second interest as a photographer was humankind and the world. He photographed circuses, children, and the arrival of the Soviet army in Prague at the end of war. The photographs shown here, perhaps his best known images, were issued as a set in 1980 by the Czech publisher, Pressfoto. While they are not vintage photographs, they are extremely high-quality silver gelatin prints. The portfolio is complete with printed enclosure, twelve of silver gelatin images,  and a descriptive booklet. Please inquire regarding the price.

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